Figures obtained by the BBC Radio 5 Live Investigations Unit have revealed more than 2,600 reports of drink-spiking incidents in England and Wales since 2015.
When looking at cases involving under-18s it says:
Cases involving under-18s have more than doubled, from 32 in 2015 to 71 in 2018 - and between January and September 2019, 68 cases had already been recorded, suggesting the total figure for 2019 is set to hit a five-year high.
Soft drinks get spiked too
At StopTopps we believe it is important that under-18s are warned of the danger of drink spiking and how to protect themselves.
There can be a reluctance for the issue to be addressed because it is often assumed it will only happen to people drinking alcohol - and who are, therefore, aged 18 or over. However, this ignores the reality of under-age drinking and the fact that soft drinks are equally susceptible to spiking.
Part of our mission is to provide StopTopps to sixth formers in the UK to raise their awareness of the potential dangers and to help them protect themselves.
How to help a friend who you think has had their drink spiked
The BBC article also gives the following advice for someone who thinks their friends might have had their drink spiked:
- Tell a bar manager, bouncer or member of staff
- Stay with them and keep talking to them
- Call an ambulance if their condition deteriorates
- Don't let them go home on their own
- Don't let them leave the venue with someone you don't know or trust
- If possible, try to prevent them drinking more alcohol as this could lead to more serious problems
- Urine and blood tests carried out in the first 24-72 hours are most likely to detect drug traces
Read the full article on the BBC website: 'I collapsed in the street after drink spiking'